The word used by the Deputy Finance Minister caused a stir in Parliament

The word used by the Deputy Finance Minister caused a stir in Parliament

General news of Friday, July 26, 2024


Dr. Stephen Amoah

Deputy Finance Minister Stephen Amoah has taken on Members of Parliament and the Speaker after he used the term ‘floccinaucinihilipilification’ in the House.

Stephen Amoah was contributing to a report presented to Parliament regarding the Songor salt mining venture by Electrochem Ghana Limited.

Calling on MPs not to politicise the report and incite youths against the state, he said:

“All these exercises are being carried out under the aegis of ‘floccinaucinihilipilification’ (ie a useless exercise), and are not going to yield any expected results that will benefit the country, as all the natural resources belong to the state.”

The members of Parliament could not stop themselves from laughing in their seats while the Speaker of the Parliament urged him to explain the meaning of the word, to which he replied.

Stephen Amoah expressed sympathy with the people of Ada but warned that they should not be incited against the government.

Dr. Stephen Amoah also said any company that is given a mining license in the area should be mandated to integrate the welfare of the Ada people by providing employment opportunities for them.



Disclaimer : The content in this article is for educational and informational purposes only.

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